All Islands Youth Regatta – Third Annual & Scott Boye Memorial Regatta

Sunday August 11 (Scott’s Birthday)

Regatta Information:

Jackson Beach, San Juan Island

Registration is now open on ClubSpot.  Please register as early as you can so we can plan!

NORs and SIs are now posted here.

Boats will be provided by the Sailing Foundation for anyone not bringing their own; fleets available include:


    • RS Tera

    • ILCA 4

    • ILCA 6&7 (combined fleet)

    • V15 (two-handed)

    • FJ (two-handed)

Please register for your preferred fleet, understanding that the race managers may re-assign sailors to different boats if more people sign up for a particular type of boat than we have, as they cannot magically make more boats. 

Cost is $20 per sailor for current youth sailors participating in any of the San Juan Islands programs, and $40 per sailor for alumni sailors (i.e., grown-ups). To get the lower price, please indicate that you are a Member. 

Memorial Information

Following the regatta, a memorial will be held at the SJI Yacht Club in Friday Harbor at 6:00 pm. Please bring a favorite dish to share. People will be invited to share remembrances. Scott’s father, sister, and siblings have been invited. 

An obituary to Scott can be found here.

Scott mentioned only a single non-profit in his will, and to our great honor it was the SJI Sailing Foundation. Should you wish to contribute in his honor, the funds will be used to purchase racing gear for the high school team.  If you cannot make the regatta, you can still donate here.

Please send us an email if your contribution is made in his name with a story or a comment about what he meant to you, maybe a photo, and whether we can share that publicly. Thank you.

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